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liquor license attorney in South Carolina, SC Alcohol Licensing Attorney, Liquor License Lawyer in SC, South Carolina Liquor License

South Carolina Alcohol Beverage Licensing

A Statewide Practice Devoted Exclusively to Alcohol Licensing

About Us


The Premier South Carolina Alcohol Licensing firm with over 20 years of experience providing legal assistance and advice to companies and individuals seeking one or more of 32 types of alcoholic beverage licenses in South Carolina, and defending alcohol licensees facing possible suspension or revocation of their licenses.


We represent many major hospitality companies, hotels, restaurants, and private clubs, as well as smaller individual companies, plus various manufacturers and wholesalers.


We are proud to be the only South Carolina law firm that is a member of the National Association of Alcoholic Beverage Licensing Attorneys

liquor license attorney in South Carolina, SC Alcohol Licensing Attorney, Liquor License Lawyer in SC, South Carolina Liquor License

Contact Us

Contact via the form below or call us at 803-748-1335 / 800-858-9237

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1201 Main Street, Suite 1980, Columbia, SC 29201

Phone: 803-748-1335 / 800-858-9237


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The information you obtain at this website is advertising material and not, nor is it intended to be, legal advise. It is for general information purposes only. You should consult an attorney for advise regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established in writing. No warranty, guarantee, or prediction is made regarding your particular case, if any.

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